Quick Facts

We've organized answers to the most frequent questions here for you.  Contact your local library directly for additional questions.

What is Ocean State Libraries?

Ocean State Libraries is a consortium that includes all the public libraries in Rhode Island as well as St. George's School and the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services.  OSL staff provides behind-the-scenes support to member libraries including the library catalog and other library technologies.  OSL is governed by its members, and you are encouraged to contact your local library with any questions or feedback.

How do I get a library card?

Rhode Islanders may apply in person at any public library or online.

How long may I borrow a book or other item from the library?

This can vary by library and by the type of item.  Each library is responsible for setting its own rules for lending items.  Most items are lent for three weeks with two automatic renewals.  When in doubt, ask the library when you are checking out of the library.

The libraries also share a large collection of ebook and digital audiobooks, "eZone".  Most books in eZone may also be kept for three weeks.  You are encouraged to return books when you are finished to speed them along to the next reader in line.

How many items may I borrow at a time?

In general, you may borrow up to 99 items at a time from the library catalog.  There are some limits on specialty items.

In the eZone collection of ebooks and digital audiobooks, you may borrow up to eight items at a time in most cases.  There are also some limits on speciality items here as well.

May I reserve a copy of an item that is already in use?

Yes, look for an option to place a hold.  Be sure that you place a hold on the format (e.g., large print) that you wish to read.  You may have up to 25 items on hold in the library catalog.

You may also place a hold on ebooks and digital audiobooks in the eZone.  There, you may place up to 4 items on hold.

Is Ocean State Libraries "fine free"?

"Fine free" means that a library does not charge overdue fines on its items.  Libraries do still charge replacement fees on items that are long overdue/lost.

Within Ocean State Libraries, individual members set their own fine policies on their items.  Currently, most libraries are fine free on most things.  Put another way, a little over 90% of all items owned by member libraries are free of overdue fines.